
2015/08/18 NY不動産の豆知識, 生活豆知識, プチ英会話レッスン







Can you come for (some) repair(s)?

Can you send someone for repair?



Can you call a handyman for repair?


・ **が動きません。

The *** doesn’t work.

例1 The microwave doesn’t work. = 電子レンジが動きません。

例2 The heater (A/C) doesn’t work. = ヒーター(クーラー)が出ません。)

・ **の調子が悪いのですが。見に来て貰えますか?

There is something wrong with **. Could you check it please?


Can you come and see today?

・ (今すぐには行けないと言われた場合)


When is the earliest you can come?


What time can you come?


You may enter my room if I’m away from the apartment.

/I give you access to my apartment during my absence.



Do you know if the handyman has  come to fix it? It seems like he/she hasn’t come yet.

・ (来ていない場合、)何時に来る予定ですか?

What time will he come?
・ (バスルームの/キッチンの)、水(お湯)が出ません。

There is no (cold / hot) water (in the bathroom / in the kitchen).


The shower is not working.


The water in the bathroom (keeps running / is not running) / The toilet doesn’t flush.


The bathtub is clogged.


There is no pilot in the gas stove.


The faucet in the kitchen (in the bathroom) is      leaking



A vender machine for a laundry card dose not work.


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